Allow Yourself To Be Enamored

Oh, Twin Lakes, you have enamored this nature-loving girl’s wilderness soul. We will be back for more exploration and hiking. <3 The pristine alpine lake is surrounded by gorgeous jagged and craggy Matterhorn Peak (which is over 12,000 feet) and other...

Keep Growing

I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past few years… ups and downs, ebbs and flows. All of the things in between. One recurring theme that has shown up is growth and learning. Since the start of the pandemic and lockdowns happened, I chose to take an...

Living For The Weekend

So I have eluded to some new and exciting changes that are forthcoming… and they are slowly coming to fruition. This post depicts one of those changes. We always say that we are living and working for the weekend. What does that mean? I am a high-achieving...

Change Affect

A little food for thought… In a recent conversation with a client, she was sharing how challenging it was to affect change in her team… and I reminded her that because she is affecting the change does not mean the change does not also affect her. That gave...

Celebrate The Progress

Give yourself credit for the progress you HAVE made. If you cannot take all 5 (or 10 or 20) flights of stairs, take one flight. If you cannot hike to the top of a mountain, start with one mile. If you cannot run a 5K, start with running around the block. Give yourself...

Paths You Take In Life

A little public service announcement for ya… “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir Yesterday, Jason and I got out and hiked to the saddle just below the summit of Mission Peak (we didn’t have enough...

Nature Is My Spirituality

Nature is my spirituality… I believe in God and it’s probably that belief in God that has shed light on the sentiment that nature is my spirituality. Sometimes mental clarity comes from time in nature. Sometimes creativity is unleashed from time in nature....

More Space

Motivation moment… In various treks in different wilderness areas that have been scoured by fire, I’ve been contemplating a lot about fire, growth, and regeneration… For example, fire is a part of the evolution and growth of a healthy forest. And...

Stop Living On Autopilot

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tip… Stop living life on autopilot. Whether you take a different way to run an errand or get out in your backyard and put your feet in the dirt or grass… do something to mix up your routine!

Stop Playing Small

Alright, Friends… Time For A Short Story. This message right here: “Stop playing small” is totally for me. My coach gave me a series of compliments, told me she believed in me and then said, almost under her breath, “And you have to stop...

Next Book Project

Soooo I’m having a bit of a celebratory moment because as I mentioned earlier this week I’m evolving and changes are coming… and I now know what my next book project is going to be about… the concept is still in the works… and I’m...

Do Epic Shit

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tip: Do Epic Shit. This photo was taken about 15 miles north of the US/ Canada border. A little back story for you: Jason and I are big fans of the show “Gold Rush,” and we have enjoyed learning about the area and have a bit of a...

The Power Of Setting An Intention

The Month Of July Carries A Lot Of Things With It For Me, Emotionally. Celebrations of several people’s birthdays, anniversaries, completion of this or that… And honoring the memory of my mom, who unexpectedly passed away in 2012… July was also when...
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