So I have eluded to some new and exciting changes that are forthcoming… and they are slowly coming to fruition.

This post depicts one of those changes.

We always say that we are living and working for the weekend.

What does that mean?

I am a high-achieving female naturepreneur and I bust ass Monday-Friday on all of the client things I get the amazing opportunity to be part of and I bust ass just as hard on the trails on the weekend to blow off steam, decompress, disconnect to reconnect, take time in nature so that I can show up on Monday to be of support, service, and my highest and best functioning self for my clients.

Rinse and repeat.

I’m excited to share that this weekend we have decided to hike a place called Elephant’s Back on Saturday. It is about a 6-mile roundtrip trek with about 1,500 feet of elevation gain. Seems mild right? For the most part, and for a peak, you’re right.

Elephant’s Back doesn’t technically have a “trail,” we will navigate our own way (or follow along paths that others may have blazed). The terrain is unstable and brittle volcanic rock… so it is challenging to get solid footholds (trekking poles are a must). There is scratchy underbrush that grows there which will be challenging to navigate around, too.

The average slope is about 6%. The steepest slope is about 26%.

I’m excited and I’m getting my pack and all of my gear ready! I will share our experience and have a debrief for you on Monday.

To adventure~~

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