
I have described our trip to Alaska as life-changing. This is a photo of Mt. Denali. On the second day of us being able to see her. We learned on our trip that the mountain is partially visible less than 30% of the time. To see it when you’re on a trip there is...

Spread Kindness Like Wildflowers

Your Hise Hikers Friendly Tip: Spread Kindness Like Wildflowers. I’m not sure who needs to hear this… after talking to several people who had shared that their day had been particularly challenging… I thought this was the perfect sentiment…...

Spirit of Alaska

Unleashing the Spirit of Alaska: A Soulful Transformational Journey I’m beyond excited to share with you all the incredible parts of the journey we embarked upon in the majestic land of Alaska. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it...

Allow Your Body

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tip: Allow Your Body To Do What It Needs To Do. The landscape photo was taken around midnight on Friday, June 9th. The screenshot of the weather and sunset time indication of 12:05 am on the left for reference. Upon returning from our trip to...

Beauty Is A Rite Of Passage

What Does “Life-Changing” Mean? I’m still unpacking it for myself… If you have been following my posts of late, you have probably seen me describe our trip to Alaska as “life-changing.” I’ve received questions asking how my...

Trust What Happens

A few months ago, I picked lemons from my mother-in-law’s lemon tree. I read up on how to grow lemon trees and removed seeds from several lemons, cultivated what appeared to be “the best” ones and planted 5 of them. And then I waited. … …...

Revisit Things That Bring You Joy

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tip: Revisit Things That Spark Joy. These gorgeous purple flowers are in the parking area of the hotel we stay in. The last several times we were here, they weren’t bloomed out because of the cooler temps and alllll the rain. I noticed...

Listening To Your Body

Boy, it has been a week. Lots of projects happening. Lots of balls in the air. Can you relate? I am grateful that I didn’t have a bunch of meetings today and I was able to give my body rest, take time and do some deep stretching, take several short walks, and...

Which Do You Prefer?

Hey Friends… I Could Use Your Help… I’m noodling some offers to put into the world and would love to hear your thoughts on which you prefer. The first is a training using one of my card decks + 60-minute training on how to use the decks and get out...

Allow Yourself To Morph

Sometimes things show up as a reminder of the transformation and morphing that is happening. Some changes are painful while others aren’t even noticeable until someone else mentions it. Some changes happen quickly while others happen on what seems like a glacial...


Time In The Garden Is Always Time Well Spent. Tonight I got some things transplanted and this is our hibiscus plant. She makes me so happy. like the soul-kind of happy. We inherited her from my mother-in-law, who was planning to get rid of it. Last summer she shared a...

Always Be Kind

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tip: Always Be Kind To All You Encounter. <3 On a recent trek at Folsom Lake, we encountered the absolute tiniest, most adorable turtle on the trail, which we helped relocate off the trail. We’ve encountered all kinds of critters and...

Sometimes The Workout

A few days ago, we completed a 5-mile training loop in one of our personal bests… we crushed that workout. On a recent training hike, we were out during the heat of the day and it was in the mid-90s and both of us were definitely feeling the effects of the heat....

The Magic Of Believing

What Wisdom Comes From A Butterfly? This is a photo – I think – of a Gabbs Checkerspot butterfly taken on a backpacking trip last summer. The meaning and symbolism of a butterfly include transformation, grace, beauty, and the magic of believing. I want to...

Making Moments

On Tuesdays, We’re On The Bringing In Trail… Make the moments ones you enjoy. I was on a podcast today and the host let me know just before we started that we would have an “outtake” afterward where we kept the recording going and we would...
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