Love The Outdoors

Think about this on Throwback Thursday… Mixing it up a little bit this week! I have been nostalgic for our hiking trips of the past few years, so I thought it would be fun to share a story about a training hike we did where we encountered and were charged by a...

Trust That Process

Wednesday Wisdom: It’s a process… Trust that process. Lately, the energy has been feeling kinda heavy. Have you been feeling it, too? Last night, I bumped into a lot of grief and sad feelings about missing people who had passed away and a lot of other...

Go On Adventures

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tuesday Tip… Allow yourself to find yourself in nature. Every trip we go on shapes us, changes us, and allows growth and healing in some way. And we have to be open to it and allow it. ❤ I can share for myself at least, that some...

You Are So Brave

Motivation Monday: Do the hard things anyway. This past weekend, we did something difficult. Since the containment of the fires around us has allowed roadways to reopen, we went for a drive to see the damage that was left behind. First, I cried. As we drove on,...
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