Motivation Monday: Do the hard things anyway.

This past weekend, we did something difficult. Since the containment of the fires around us has allowed roadways to reopen, we went for a drive to see the damage that was left behind.

First, I cried.

As we drove on, passing trailheads we’ve hiked and places we’ve camped… and our hearts hurt.

We both agreed that we had worked it up in our minds to be even more devastating than what we saw… and yet, Jason and I shared with each other that while we wanted to take photos, we felt a little like we were photographing someone’s pain.

Anyway, after driving through part of where the Tamarack and Caldor fires burned, we returned home feeling solemn and also hopeful, for the rebuilding that will come and for the beauty that will rise from the ashes… it’s hard to see right now, it’s coming.

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