Camping is good for the soul…

It is summertime – at my house, we’re in full swing of camping time! I find that camping is good for the soul. Around my house, that means as many weekends as possible, we’re camping somewhere. And we camp in a lot of remote places. And by remote, I...

Welcome home soldier!

Check out this sweet video of a soldier coming home to his beloved dog after being overseas for 6 months….don’t we all need to be loved like this!

Childlike Wonderment

Over the past week, I’ve been drawn into a child-like wonder-ment and inquiry of many things in my life, in particular my vocal challenge. I started thinking recently what if I were to approach this experience of voice-less-ness how a child might? You may wonder...

Tips for Making Cold Calls

Have you ever had to pick up the phone and make cold calls? Did your palms get sweaty? Did your mouth get extremely dry all of a sudden? Did the phone seem like it weighed 200 pounds and you couldn’t possibly pick it up? If you have suffered any of these...

Strength…Dignity…Without Fear of the Future

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.” ~ Proverbs 31 My teammate Lindsay Benson, shared this quote with me and said it brought her comfort and wondered how I felt about it, if it would make a good blog topic. I...
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