JRR Tolkien Day

I can’t tell you how bummed I am that I missed celebrating January 3rd as JRR Tolkien Day! I’m a true Lord of the Rings and Hobbit fan! I have only read The Hobbit, but I have seen all of the Lord of the Rings movies, as well as the first installation of...

The Perfect Free Day

If you had one day free to spend any way you wanted, how would you spend it? My Perfect Day would start by sleeping in, then having coffee and a well thought out, healthy breakfast with my hubby. Then we’d head to the gym for a 2-hour workout. I’d spend...

Happy Birthday, Elvis!

Today is Elvis’ birthday! Yes, I am an Elvis fan, and growing up I can remember humming along or singing aloud to Elvis songs that made no sense how I knew the words to them. I attributed it to my mom listening to lots of Elvis music while she was pregnant with...

How Frequently Should I Blog?

There are a lot of schools of thought on blog frequency. It can really be dependent on the type of business your in…how much content do you have to share? I recommend for my new clients coming on board to start with 1/week, then move up to 3-5/week. Most find that...
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