Justin the Harris Hawk with his owner, TroyOn our way back from the Grand Canyon, we saw a sign for this place. It’s called Raptor Ranch. We immediately thought dinosaurs. haha
We looked it up and learned it is a super cool place to learn about hawks and raptors. 🦅
This is Justin. Justin is a Harris hawk. We arrived in time to see his flight demo. Check out the video I took on YouTube: https://youtu.be/r8axOOf0r1s
After the demo, we were invited to hold a falcon (yes please!)… I am downloading photos of this and will share them separately. It was so amazing! (Yes, I’m giddy about this experience!)😄
If you’re in the area, it’s so worth the trip to see these magnificent animals and learn more about their abilities (flight speeds, how they hunt, etc.).
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