Motivation Monday: Plan. Set Goals. Crush Goals. Celebrate! Repeat.
You may have seen my recent post about closing out a section of the trail we started when lockdowns started.
It got me thinking about the CELEBRATION piece of the planning and goal-setting process.
I know that I used to quickly check off achieving a goal, have some five-second happy dance in celebration of achieving a goal, and then move on… there’s another goal to get after all.
And yesterday, it occurred to me – sure there are other goals to get. And honestly, the celebration and reflection are where the magic truly happens.
This small section of trail took us a while to complete because we became enamored with the lupine super bloom last year and revisited one 5 or 6 mile stretch as often as we could – haha.
After huffing and puffing up the last switchback to the truck, Jason and I sat down on a bench and drank in the view.
We breathed in the air.
We shared which section of the trail was our favorite and why.
We took in the moment and the achievement to the fullest.