Wednesday Wisdom: Mindset | Focus | Determination.

I enjoy taking the stairs… especially when we stay in a hotel – I use it as part of my movement routine every hour. 🙂

While recently taking the stairs, I could feel my quads burning and I thought to myself, “alright, I feel you burning… and I’m going to keep going.”

And then I took a deep breath, and as many a coach has shared at the gym, I focused that breath to my quads… and I was able to finish the climb top floor.

And that got me thinking about the power of mindset and focus and determination… when my quads felt tired, my mindset was to keep going… and the focus was getting to the top… while my determination was fueled probably in part by my perseverance, and partly by my own internal drive.

Then I began to explore how this manifests in other areas of my life… working on projects, hiking a mountain, and snowshoeing… it ties into the mindset, focus, and determination.

A little tidbit about this photo: it was taken on a hike last fall – those are the Olympic rings at Olympic Village – and I have to say there is something incredibly powerful about standing in their presence… like knowing the dedication, drive, determination, practice, etc. that Olympic athletes put in to make it to the Olympics. There is awe. There is admiration. There is pure joy, love, honor, and respect.

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