Tips To Stay Productive When The Kids Are Home!
by Sonia Stinger
Do you hear a daily mantra of “We’re SOOOOOOO bored…” or “”What can we do NOW, mom?” to the point of losing your patience (not to mention your mind)? Having your kids home during the summer months (while working on your network marketing/direct sales business) can be test of your character, as you strive to keep the money coming in, without totally abandoning your kiddos in the process!
There are some basic strategies that still work in the summer – like focusing on biz activities while your kids are otherwise occupied (very early, very late, and during nap/down times) – but there are still all those other hours during the day when you’re trying to make calls, and they are constantly interrupting you!
Don’t give up yet! Here are some helpful ideas that can create some fun distractions for your little ones, so you can keep the money coming in until they are back in the classroom:
1. Summer Business – Inspire the Entrepreneurial Bug!
Help your kids create their own business, centered around a neighborhood lemonade stand, selling snow cones, or whatever. Use it as an opportunity to teach your kids how to handle money, tithe, save and spend. Maybe you or a neighbor has a fruit tree with too many lemons, lime, or oranges? Your kids may be able to pick some fruit to make their own fruit-ade to sell.
On a related note, have your kids organize their own garage sale with old toys and clothes they no longer use. They can “clean” their bedrooms as part of the process, and hold the garage sale on the weekend or whenever you have more time available to assist. This can also be a great “business experience” for them, and you can help them decide the best way to use the money they earn.
2. Photo Hunt – Inspire Their Creative Side!
For little ones, you may need to get a cheap disposable camera, while older kids can handle a digital camera or smartphone. You can create list of things to take pictures of — think of it as a digital scavenger hunt. You may want to create themes to direct each day’s photo fun (by color; types of trees, flowers, or bugs; things starting with the same letter.
3. Family Fort – Create Some Adventure.
All kids love one thing – building forts! Gather up some old boxes from local stores and create the fort inside or out. For an inside fort, kids love using sheets and chairs. If you have a clothesline, the kids can create a tent by draping an old sheet or blanket over the line and tacking down the corners.
4. Home Depot Workshops for Kids – Develop Their Skills.
On the first Saturday of every month, all Home Depot stores host free hands-on workshops designed for children ages 5 – 12 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The workshops teach kids do-it-yourself skills and tool safety, and instill a sense of pride and accomplishment. All kids get to keep their craft and receive a workshop apron, commemorative pin, and certificate of achievement.
5. Audio Books – Develop Their Mind!.
Get your child to listen to a good book – it’s is a great way to use quiet time, help them learn, and may give you as much as an hour to check your email or do other job-related tasks. This is an activity that is good for many ages, improves reading skills and keeps kids mentally engaged.
You can borrow audio books from your local library save money. You may also want to see if your library has a “dial-a-story” hotline number that kids call to listen to a changing roster of stories (just be sure they aren’t tying up your business phone line!). Google “dial a story” to get a list of libraries in your area and websites that offer this free service.
Staying focused and in action with your biz during the summer months can be a bit of a balancing act – but with a little creativity, you can still stay focused on bringing in the dough – while also helping your kiddos make some fun summer memories.
Sonia Stringer is a professional speaker, coach and popular mentor to women in the network marketing/direct selling profession. Known as “The Women’s Business Coach,” she is fast becoming the “go to expert” for women who want to build a 6-7 figure business from home. Sonia’s unique approach can help you earn a great income AND set up your business so you have more time (to spend with your family or doing what you love). Visit her website to get your free copy of her popular audio CD, “Six Figure Success Secrets for Network Marketing Women”.