In the process of discovering things I have learned from my adventure on Mt. Whitney, I realize that I emotionally have left some emotional baggage behind on Mt. Whitney as well.
I shared that I experienced a lot of firsts on this trip – including starting our hike in the dark, hiking by headlamp.
I remember starting the hike completely calm and feeling 100% at peace with this journey.
I remember climbing up, up, up (I’ve read the trail averages about 550 feet of elevation gain per mile, give or take), in the dark, that I was wondering what I would see on the return trip back down.
When I hit that “wall” of feeling like total crap and emotionally, in my mind and my body, knew that I couldn’t keep pushing was the moment I realized there was a lesson and experience here.
I wanted to do this trip to have fun and explore Mt. Whitney – for the experience. I was pushing against nature… not taking in the experience and the lessons that nature had for me.
I came across this quote, which seems to sum up the sentiment exactly: “The universe will keep giving you the lessons until you learn them.” – Christine Schroeder
What lessons are appearing for you?