Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tuesday Tip… Celebrate What Will Be.❤
In a newsletter I recently wrote, I shared some of the best trail advice I ever got was “to be willing to be a little uncomfortable on the trail.”
This advice was great because it taps into what we call ‘creature comforts’ we aren’t willing to give up on the trail. For Jason and me, it’s coffee in the morning… and we prefer to drink it hot, so we carry a stove. Things like that. If we ever wanted to do “ultralight” backpacking or hiking, we’d consider maybe dropping our stove… honestly, though, probably not.
This also ties into the project I have been sharing with you. Being willing to be a little uncomfortable is what nudged me forward into creation! I think that what I’ve created is a reminder of how we have to stick together and have each other’s backs. It’s a reminder to encourage each other to show up and be the best version of ourselves.
And this project I’ve created does exactly that… and the decks I’ve created and the community I’ve been building will empower others to do just that… at least, that’s my heart’s deepest desire.
There’s just something about those messages that make my heart skip a beat.
More stories and shares, including photos and videos… coming soon! ❤