MyBizisProsperousMyBizisProsperousMyBizisProsperousMyBizisProsperousOver the past few months, I’ve noticed a bit of a shift in my business – to be more specific, some clients have fallen off the radar, others have left, others still have gone a different direction entirely.

I have been working to refresh my brand and attract the clients that I most love to work with and who most love to work with me and as a result, some of the clients who were not an ideal fit have gone away.

My initial reaction was one of concern, and then it occurred to me that I’m now in a place where I have gotten really clear about who I want to work with and who I do not want to work with – and it’s showing up in a BIG way!

As I looked at the bigger picture of what was happening, I began to get very excited and realized that meant that new, big things are coming! 🙂 


Then I pulled out one of my Louise Hay “Wisdom Cards” and it said “My Business is Prosperous” on one side and then the following statement on the back:

“I rejoice in other people’s success because I know there is plenty for everyone.”

Ahhhhh! So true! I loved it and at that moment realized that I needed to write a blog post about my gratitude to the Universe for inspiring me forward and to God for giving me the strength to continue to persevere. 

It also reminds me of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook no matter what is happening behind the scenes.

What do you do when things look bleak or less that optimistic?

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