Onrush of Scenery

Mindfulness Monday – Stop right now and take a deep breath. Let it out nice and slow. On our trek back to the parking lot after our mountaineering class on Saturday, I looked up and caught this magnificent view of Mt. Shasta. I was overwhelmed with a sense of...

Life is About Destination

Your friendly Hise Hikers Tuesday Tip: Training is the next evolution in upping our game… Whether on the trail or otherwise, training is how to take the game to the next level. Last weekend, in our mountaineering training we were stepping up our snow safety...

Always Be The Magic

Your Friendly Hise Hikers Tuesday Tip… Always be the magic! You never know who you might run into on the trail that you offer support to… whether it’s giving them a map, sharing a water report, telling them about conditions ahead, exchanging a coffee...

Process is the Reward

Motivation Monday: Be tenacious. This quote by Amelia Earhart spoke deeply to my soul today: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change...
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