If you wait to do everything…

This morning after barre class at the gym my coach encouraged me to get my pull-up progression activities in. I initially protested stating that being barefoot has been prohibitive in me jumping up and reaching the bar. The coach grabbed a box and said: “Well...

In your pursuit of a better future…

“In your pursuit of a better future, remember not to continue chasing your past.” – Dortha Hise I was recently listening to a friend struggle with taking ownership of their past and it sounded like they were using that as an excuse for not achieving...

Go as far as you can see…

Sometimes I need a fresh perspective to appreciate where I am and how far I have come. Very often on hikes when we reach a ridge with a sprawling view or a peak of a summit when all of a sudden I’m reminded just how small I am in the world and how much more...

Have you ever been sucker punched by grief?

During my 2-year journey of loss and grief, I found myself feeling as though I’d been “sucker-punched” by my grief. I’d start to feel a little bit better and then BAM, there was that intrusive grief coming out of nowhere… I found myself...

Passport to your own happiness

Sometimes I wonder why something is happening or has happened. Other times, I find myself going with it. Sometimes I get frustrated. Other times, I brush it off. I can choose to react or I can choose to be mindful and know that I am in control of my emotions....
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