Oh it’s been a challenging couple of months…I’m still without a voice, which is an incredibly difficult thing to deal with given that I have been speaking and I do a lot of talking with my clients, etc.

A few days ago, something hit me: maybe this silence is for the reason that I’m NOT meant to be a speaker. Hmmm. That hit me like a ton of bricks! And I’ll be honest, I’ve been fighting it since it came to me. After all, my B-All is that I am an internationally renowned author and speaker!


Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-AllSo, I decided to take a step back from the situation as myself and took a moment to reflect from what Stacey Hall refers to in her book Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All (get your copy here: http://www.chi-to-be.com/chi-to-be/the-book), in Energy Surge #10: The Solution to Know What to Do Every Time! In this Energy Surge, Stacey presents 4 questions to her ‘Chi-To-Be! Solution Process’ to arrive at an empowering decision:

Coming from Fear, why would I not want to be a speaker?

Coming from Love, why would I not want to be a speaker?

Coming from Fear, why would I want to be a speaker?

Coming from Love, why would I want to be a speaker?

I’m still in the midst of discovering my own responses to these questions—I’ll keep you posted what I discover.

I challenge you to put your own situation into the empowering decision making process above and see how it works for you.

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