beauthentic_socialpresenceWith the wide-sweeping range of social media platforms out there, do you find yourself struggling to be here, there and everywhere and be YOU? Well if I may tell you, “Stop it!” Take a deep breath and repeat after me: “I do not have to be on EVERY single social platform out there.” I mean let’s be honest, just off the top of my head, there’s:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Periscope
  • Blab
  • Google+
  • Tumblr
  • Instagram

Did seeing that list just make your pulse race? It’s all good. Here’s my rule of thumb: if you’re in business, figure out where your ideal clients are hanging out and go there. Be authentic, be you. Share articles, tips, and other advice as it relates to what you do. I love sharing motivational quotes and that’s one of the things my followers comment about my profiles – they are uplifting and motivatonal.

Once you’ve identified the 1-3 platforms where your ideal clients are hanging out, get in there and get comfortable with what’s the norm, the status quo, if you will for that platform. Here are a few tips to maximize and leverage your efforts on social media:

  • Create a schedule and set intentions for your goals on posting and sharing
  • Post consistently and regularly
  • Interact regularly (like, comment, share, etc.)
  • Get support

On that last note, if you’re still feeling overwhelmed at the idea of managing your social media, consider outsourcing it…and I don’t mean the actual writing of it (unless you want to), what I do mean is hire someone to post updates for you, interact on your pages, upload pre-scheduled content on your behalf (after you approve it). And remember, the most important thing is be authentic…be YOU…be SOCIAL. 🙂 And most of all, HAVE FUN!!

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